Dental Implants - Houston, TX
Your Perfect Smile Is Just a Few Steps Away
"I Went Years Without Teeth, Thanks To Dental Implants I Have My Smile Back!"
Dr. Amaning Asks, "Are You Sick Of Hiding Your Smile? Come See Us!"
Restore Fully Functional Beauty to Your Smile
Dental Implants With An Implant Dentist Near The Electric Corridor In Houston, TX!
If you’re missing one or more teeth, you may struggle to chew and to speak clearly. You might feel embarrassed to show your full smile in pictures or worry about the impression you’re making in social and professional situations. Over time, missing teeth can lead to changes in the shape of your face, making you appear older than you are.
Traditional dentures are a good solution for some people, but they can slip, shift, or fall out and may require uncomfortable adhesives to stay in place. You shouldn’t have to skip your favorite foods or hold back when you laugh. We want you to fully enjoy great dental health with lasting, stable tooth replacements.
Whether you’re missing one, several, or all of your teeth, dental implants can restore your dental health and your confidence, while preventing your jawbone from shrinking to help you keep the youthful shape of your face! Dental implants are the gold standard for replacing teeth.
Our team at Amazing Dental Solutions has training and experience to provide dental implants in Houston, TX like no one else can. Using cutting-edge techniques and state-of-the-art technology, we can give you dental implants that will look and feel like your own natural teeth. No goop required!
Three Parts for One Amazing Result
Dental implants mimic your natural teeth using three parts. First, a titanium post provides a strong, durable anchor in the jawbone, similar to the root of a natural tooth. A crown will replace the visible portion of your teeth, the part used for chewing.
For implant supported bridges and full mouth dental implants, several crowns may be fused together and attached to just a few posts. Between the post and the crown, an abutment provides a connecting piece for lasting strength.
Dental implants near the Electric Corridor in Houston, TX are a great option for nearly every patient. Before starting your implant process, we’ll make sure you have enough bone volume and available structure for the best possible outcome. Dental implants can replace any number of teeth.
A single implant can replace one missing tooth with a restoration that will look and feel just like a natural tooth. An implant-supported bridge can take the place of several teeth missing in one area. A snap-in implant supported denture gives you superior stability and function, usually on just four to six implant posts. Full mouth dental implants can restore all the teeth with stable, long-lasting, beautiful replacements you can treat just like your natural teeth!
Dr. Amaning’s advanced training goes beyond what most dentists can offer, meaning even patients with challenging needs may be able to enjoy the strength and beauty of full mouth dental implants!

Top 5 Mistakes People Make with Dental Implants

Do you have all the information you need to make the right decisions about dental implants? Don’t make any of these five common mistakes. Our exclusive checklist will steer you in the right direction.
Making it easy to Achieve your goals
We see all to often patients who want to give themselves the gift of a perfect smile but then back out at the last second because they can’t justify the high cost often associated with implants, and dental care as a whole.
Fortunately, Dr. Amaning and his team of experts offer a variety of ways for patients to get the care they deserve without having to break the bank. We accept several payment methods and work with various insurance companies and a number of third-party financing companies to accommodate the needs of any patient.
Dr. Amaning on Great Day Houston August 10, 2020
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